Commitment & Confidentiality
Debbie Macklin
As an Integrative Therapist I combine Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you in a way that works for you. I use a mixture of approaches that I adapt for each individual client and we work together to establish what your requirements are. My approach is friendly, easy, relaxed and conducted in complete privacy and confidentiality.
My commitment to you is to support you in working through any life difficulties you may have. I aim to be reliable, will make sure your sessions are uninterrupted and that you are treated respectfully at all times.
I am normally contactable by telephone 9am to 5pm each day or you may leave a voicemail message. I will endeavour to return your call within 24 hours.
Your commitment is to be willing to explore your emotions, life experiences, behaviours and ways of thinking as honestly and openly as you can, in order to answer any questions and concerns you may have about your life.
Attendance of appointments is important. You must show commitment to your appointments, value and prioritise them. I have set this time aside for you.
Appointments will end at the agreed time even if you arrive late for your session.
The achievement of positive outcomes will require commitment and input from you, both within and between your appointments. You are free to leave therapy during a session.
You are free to leave therapy during a session.
I work within the boundaries of my professional competence using the skills in which I have been trained and developed.
I am ethically obliged to ‘terminate therapy at the earliest time, commensurate with the good care and continuing welfare of the client’ (National Council for Hypnotherapy). This means I neither continue therapy for my own personal needs such as enjoying a your company or for financial gain, nor do I terminate it prematurely leaving you anxious, with unfinished business, or with effects that are not likely to last. The ideal time for bringing a course of therapy to a conclusion is normally agreed between us.
I offer a confidential service, so your privacy will always be respected. The only person I would talk to about your sessions is my clinical supervisor. However, I will not reveal your name or any other details that may identify you.
Situations when confidentiality would be broken are:
Unless it was not possible, I would always talk to you first and involve you in the decision to break confidentiality. For example if your life, or another’s life, is in danger. If there are serious child protection concerns.